Archives - $300,000 eMail blocked
From: Randolf Richardson rr@8x.ca
Date: Thu Jul 24 16:52:47 EDT 2003
Counter: 1489
| [sNip] >>> you blocked my mail and i lost a sale for a $300,000 contract because >>> i missed a deadline >>> YOU WILL BE HEARING FROM MY ATTORNEY >> >> Gee another threat of a "lawsuite", SpamCop works so well!! > > anyone notice that the IPA he posted from is only listed by Eric's XBL?
Who's Eric?
> He's on Telus. I find it amazing that it isn't more widely blocked.
According to the NNTP-Posting-Host header, there is not IP address, just a hostname of "localhost.news.spamcop.net."
In other words, that may not really be the user's IP address since it could be a forged entry.
-- Randolf Richardson - rr@8x.ca Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Please do not eMail me directly when responding to my postings in the newsgroups.
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