The Lumber Cartel, local 42 (Canadian branch)
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Archives - $300,000 eMail blocked - [SC-Help] Re: BUSINESS INTERFERENCE

   From:  Randolf Richardson
   Date:  Sun Jul 27 12:03:06 EDT 2003
Counter:  1400
>>> anyone notice that the IPA he posted from is only listed by Eric's
>>> XBL?
>>          Who's Eric?
> class=ext target=_blank>


> The most aggressive dnsbl going, in the view of alot of people, including
> this study which on July 12 showed him blocking just shy of four times as
> much mail as spamcop:
> class=ext target=_blank>
> It's generally accepted that his high spam blocking count comes with a
> concommitent high false positive count.

    I think that people will eventually get so frustrated with spam that
they will just start using these more aggressive blacklists to block and
anyone who complains will just be told to find a better ISP.  In the end,
there will likely be a class separation between dirty and clean ISPs, and
very few in the grey area in between (as seems to be the case now).

Randolf Richardson -
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Please do not eMail me directly when responding
to my postings in the newsgroups.

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