Archives - $300,000 eMail blocked
From: Brad CrazyK bck_merced@spamcop.net
Date: Fri Aug 1 13:07:51 EDT 2003
Counter: 1550
| angryuser@ Just felt like sharing this with the spamcop help group:
> This posting made from the web-site. Please reply via > email in addition to the group. Thanks. > ------------------------------------------------------ > > > my attorney write a registered letter to spam cop to ask for compensation for > my $300,000 (u.s. funds) loss before taking this problem to court . he says > you are all a bunch of idiots and that your reaction to my first announcement > will make you all personally liable > > > im also suing the company that blocked my e-mail proposal for discriminnation > because my lawyer said i can collect damages from them two > > > see you in the news , you probably wont sleep well tonite >
Oh, I see your back, thanks for the update, and the good LOL!!
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